Power chords are 2 to 3 note chords that are movable up and down the neck of the guitar. The finger position remain the same as you change the chord by holding the same hand position and placing it in another location.
Try these six different power chords. Once you have the hand position down for a power chord, try playing a power chord at every fret going up and down the neck.


  • Use tips of the finger to fret the notes and place the finger just behind the fret. Be careful not to place you finger on top of the fret because this will cause fret noise or can cause the note to not ring at all.
  • Your thumb should rest somewhere between the center and top of the back of the neck
  • Once you have fingers in the proper chord position try playing each string individually to see if all the strings are ringing.
  • If you find a string that isn't ringing check to make sure that your finger is just behind the fret and not on top of the fret. Also, check to see if another finger is touching that string causing it not to ring.
Power chord chart